
An aspiring golf teaching professional must consider the current global economic conditions and particularly the state of the golf economy in order to adapt sound strategies in striving for a teaching position. There are two goals to be met with these strategies.

The first goal is to establish your value to the potential new facility and the second goal is to establish yourself as a viable professional. Show them how you can generate revenue for them. Create a sound business plan to be presented and include solid research instead of merely writing philosophy. There are many business plan websites and software programs to help make this process easy. 

Do your homework and find out all you can about the facility and its teaching business, then tailor your plan for their business. This could be key to getting you the desired position. Many facility managers and owners will be impressed when you identify the market and have new ideas to attract additional revenue. What makes you unique and valuable to them? Incorporate any existing professionals already at the facility into your plan to show you are a team player and will not cause any negative issues to be dealt with. Show them how this will result in additional streams of income for them.

Give those letters of recommendation and letters from your students to establish yourself as an above-average instructor. Create a small portfolio highlighting your career and accomplishments, even non golf-related.

Keep in mind there are many opportunities and positions for competent instructors. Think through your strategy. When you approach the facility with a good plan, you may open an opportunity that otherwise wouldn’t be available.

Always present a professional appearance at every meeting by preferably wearing a suit and tie with shined shoes.