Top Golf Instructors Attended The PGTAA
The Professional Golf Teachers Association of America has a reputation throughout the golf world for their high quality of their graduates. PGTAA graduates have gone on to become Directors of Golf, Tournament Directors, Head Teaching Professionals and University coaches. Our graduates can be found in major golf instruction organizations in Europe, Canada, Asia, Mexico, the United States and Africa.
To mention just a few names, recent graduates include Mark Immelman and Mike Kletz, both teachers currently coaching PGA and European golf pros. Recent graduates have also found positions at organizations like the Dave Pelz Short Game School and the Pebble Beach Academy, as well as institutions of higher learning like Georgia’s Columbus State, Waynesburg University, the University of Cape Town in South Africa and other prestigious institutions.
Graduates have furthermore gone on to teach at well-known resorts such as Torrey Pines, Westin Roco Ki Beach & Golf Resort, Angel Fire Resort, Houghton Golf Club in South Africa, and many more. The professionals at PGTAA will help you as a student, master tried and true teaching golf techniques and methodologies so that they can earn a good living in their chosen field. The PTGAA’s edge comes from its unique and detailed curriculum. It includes mastery of the game of golf including strategy and scoring, the technical aspects of the game as well as the mental aspects. The real uniqueness of the course comes from its emphasis on teaching golf for every type of student who comes across your path and essential and critical marketing skills necessary in today’s digital world.
This is a great learning experience, which many students have found very effective for their career. With the worldwide recognition as a PGTAA member, there will be limitless possibilities once you achieve a golf certification. Act now and become a Certified Class A PGTAA Master Teaching Professional. Call 760-777-1925, visit or email